Glass with "warm edge" ducts
To achieve better performance in terms of insulation, it is necessary to assemble the insulating glass with the Warm Edge ducts.
These ducts are made of stainless steel or polypropylene, a high quality insulating plastic material.
The two materials guarantee greater insulation, elimination of cold areas in rooms, reduced condensation and mold.
- Excellent insulating capacity due to low heat conductivity;
- Considerably reduced condensation;
- Good reduction of the cold bridge phenomenon, for a higher temperature on the inner surface of the glass.
Exemple 1
Glazing glass within two sheets
with aluminium spacers
Glazing glass within two sheets
with Warm Edge pipes/tubes
Glazing glass within three sheets
with aluminium spacers
Glazing glass within three sheets
with Warm Edge spacers
Exemple 2
Vetrocamera con canaline in alluminio
Vetrocamera con canaline in alluminio
Vetrocamera con canaline Warm edge
Thermographic camera photo execution within various homes in order to confront the various types of glass windows used with pipe/tube spacers: You may see clearly the cold point created by the aluminium spacers (Photo 1 and 2) notably reduced in figure 3 where the warm edge spacers have been inserted
Tabella SAV Spacer valore PSI W/mK
Distanziatore | Tipologia vetrata isolante |
Alluminio | PVC | Legno | Legno alluminio |
Chromatech Ultra | Doppia Tripla |
0.048 0.043 |
0.039 0.037 |
0.039 0.038 |
0.043 0.041 |
TGI Spacer | Doppia Tripla |
0.049 0.044 |
0.040 0.038 |
0.040 0.039 |
0.044 0.042 |
Thermix TX.N Plus | Doppia Tripla |
0.050 0.045 |
0.041 0.039 |
0.041 0.040 |
0.045 0.043 |
Super Spacer TriSeal | Doppia Tripla |
0.041 0.036 |
0.035 0.033 |
0.034 0.032 |
0.037 0.035 |
SAV SPACER | Doppia Tripla |
0.036 0.031 |
0.032 0.030 |
0.031 0.029 |
0.032 0.030 |